Chedi Rachdi

CEO / Founder
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About me

👉 Hey, if you want to expand your team or subcontract your project, you are in the right place.

🏋️‍♀️My name is Chedi, I’m CEO / Managing Partner of Nazax. I’ve been working on that topic for more than 7 years.

—————– One of the obvious questions is, Why do I need to work with you? ——————

Companies often choose to use outstaffing and outsourcing services for a variety of reasons.

Here are some reasons why you should work with us:

✅Access to specialized talent: One of the main reasons companies use outstaffing and outsourcing is to access technical talent that they may not have in-house. This is particularly important in areas such as software development, where specific skills and expertise are required.

✅Cost savings: Outsourcing and outstaffing can often be more cost-effective than hiring full-time employees or maintaining an in-house team. This is because the company only pays for the services or personnel they need, without having to worry about additional expenses like benefits or equipment.

✅Focus on core competencies: By outsourcing or outstaffing certain functions, companies can focus on their core competencies and leave other tasks to external experts. This can improve productivity and efficiency, and allow the company to better allocate resources.

✅Scalability: Outsourcing and outstaffing can also provide companies with greater scalability, as they can quickly ramp up or down their operations as needed. This is particularly useful for companies experiencing growth or fluctuations in demand.

✅Access to new markets: Outsourcing and outstaffing can also help companies expand into new markets, as they can work with local experts who have knowledge of the local business environment and culture.

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me.

Thank you!

PS: 👇👇👇👇👇 Check our work below 👇👇👇👇👇

✅Here’s a PDF with screenshots of live apps we’ve created lately:

✅2 min demo videos of AI/ML magic we produced:

✅These are apps with public sign-up: | pre-release

Work Experience

Chief Executive Officer
Webbec 2023-04-16 - Present ✅ Highlight the unique aspects of our recruitment process that set us apart from others. We showcase our innovative sourcing strategies, leveraging both traditional and modern channels to access a diverse talent pool. Our screening and selection methods are comprehensive and tailored to identify candidates who not only possess the necessary qualifications but also align with the organization's values and culture. ✅ We emphasize our commitment to assessing potential beyond technical skills, focusing on candidates' ability to adapt, grow, and contribute to the organization's long-term success. Our approach to making job offers is centered on creating competitive and attractive offers that align with candidates' expectations and aspirations. ✅ Additionally, we pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive onboarding and integration experience for new hires. Our structured onboarding program ensures that employees quickly acclimate to their roles, understand the organization's values, and forge connections with their colleagues. ✅ By showcasing these unique aspects of our recruitment process, we demonstrate our commitment to finding the best talent for our clients and supporting their success through every step of the recruitment journey. Do you want to hire us? Skills: Leadership · Business Development · Marketing · Strategic Planning · Business Strategy · Sales
CEO / Managing Partner
Nazax 2022-02-01 - Present ✅Developing growth strategies and plans ✅Managing and retaining relationships with existing clients ✅Increasing client base ✅Having an in-depth knowledge of business products and value propositions ✅Negotiating with stakeholders ✅Identifying and mapping business strengths and customer needs ✅Researching business opportunities and viable income streams ✅Following industry trends locally and internationally ✅Drafting and reviewing contracts ✅Reporting on successes and areas needing improvements


Engineer 1999-12-09 - 2000-02-06 Grade: Electro-Mechanical Engineers Activities and societies: Electromechanical systems activities and societies: Electromechanical systems As the title indicates, an electro-mechanical engineer is involved with both the electrical and mechanical aspects of an engineering project. This type of engineering professional may develop and manufacture a wide variety of products such as appliances, medical instrumentation, industrial machines, and even robotics. Electro-mechanical engineers often work in manufacturing and production in the following areas: Design and development Production, maintenance and repair Economics evaluation, statistical analysis and quality control


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